University of Idaho - I Banner

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr
MS 2030 
Moscow, ID

Phone: 208-885-6524

Fax: 208-885-5969



Physical Address:
Teaching and Learning Center, Rooms 048 & 049

Mailing Address:
Risk Management and Insurance
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2433
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2433

Phone: 208-885-7177



Physical Address:
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID 83844-4332 

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 4332
Moscow, ID 83844-4332

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-3697

Fax: 208-885-3330



Workers Compensation

Employees, including student paid employees and student interns, 谁遇到工伤或疾病应立即寻求适当的医疗照顾. 如果受伤确实需要专业的医疗治疗或失去工作时间,则被归类为事故. 不需要专业医疗或损失工作时间的伤害或疾病将被归类为事故.

Employees, student paid employees, 实习学生(现场事故)在工作中受伤,有权提出工人赔偿要求. 对于雇员寻求医疗照顾的任何事故,向CorVel提出索赔是极其重要的. 还鼓励员工致电CorVel报告事件,即使在报告时不需要医疗照顾.

  • 需要紧急护理的员工被指示拨打911或使用任何急诊室.
    • If medical care is sought, 告知供应商工人赔偿索赔,以避免支付个人保险.
    • 后续护理必须通过CorVel和指定的提供者计划进行协调.
  • Notify your supervisor of the incident.
  • Report accident/incident to CorVel at 844-213-2099.

If you are injured at work, whether or not you intend to seek medical care, file with CorVel within 48 hours of the event. 快速报告将帮助您遵守爱达荷州有关工人赔偿的法律,并协助事故调查工作,以减轻事故的根本原因.

CorVel will notify Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) directly, 然后EHS会联系你,讨论事故是如何发生的,并寻找防止额外伤害的方法.

CorVel manages all aspects of your claim, including claim details, medical care coordination, billing, etc. 有关索赔的问题应直接向理赔人提出.


Follow up care must be done through the designated providers program. 有关该计划及其联系人的信息可在下面的常见问题解答中找到.

当报告因工伤造成的工伤时间损失时,请咨询 Benefit Services 由于各项规定适用,累积休假的使用要配合职工补偿工资补发福利. 与各个项目的协调对于避免不准确的支付是很重要的.

Frequently Asked Questions

Effective 4/1/2021, for follow up care, 大学员工必须使用大学指定的供应商之一. 

指定供应商计划的目的是加强我们员工的WC福利. Designated providers will help employees make safe, strong recoveries from accidents, and provide appropriate referrals as needed. 因工伤而需要紧急护理的员工可以去任何紧急护理机构. 指定提供者将只适用于工伤的后续护理.


The university has several designated providers around the state. 不能访问这些指定供应商之一的员工应与CorVel调解员讨论他们的担忧.

Contact information for these providers

365滚球官网为工人赔偿自行投保,并聘请了一家索赔调整公司来协助工人赔偿索赔. The name of this company is CorVel. If you file a claim, CorVel的理算员会与您联系,帮助您处理工伤赔偿索赔. 如果您对您的工人赔偿索赔有任何疑问,请联系索赔理算员. 请务必遵守预约的医疗预约,并配合他人帮助您完成索赔. If needed, your claims adjustor will assign a nurse claims manager.

The university’s Benefit Services can assist with other benefits, such as Family Medical Leave, and is the office you will coordinate with regarding medical notes, doctor releases, etc., as it relates to the employment aspect of the injury. Do not provide this information to your supervisor or department. 如果你能回到工作岗位做“轻工作”,学校会为你寻找机会. Please discuss any issues or concerns with these professionals.

The Idaho Industrial Commission may also assist with vocational rehabilitation professionals. 我们鼓励您阅读有关爱达荷州工人赔偿索赔流程和法规的信息. The Idaho Industrial Commission has a great publication and FAQs that explain the claims process and your rights.


  • CorVel是爱达荷州博伊西365滚球官网的第三方管理员(TPA). CorVel是一家工人赔偿管理公司,帮助365滚球官网的员工管理他们的工人赔偿索赔,并为医疗保健和损失的时间支付工人赔偿.
  • CorVel is your primary contact for your workers compensation claim, and will answer questions regarding your specific case, workers compensation care, and billing questions.
  • The CorVel contact number is 844-213-2099.

U of I Risk Management

  • 伊利诺伊大学风险管理部门负责监督大学的工人补偿计划. U of I Risk can assist with general questions about WC at U of I, but cannot answer questions about your specific claim.
  • Contact Nancy Spink at

365滚球官网为发生在爱达荷州的工人赔偿案件建立了一个指定提供者计划. 有工人赔偿要求的雇员必须使用下列列表中的指定提供者. 指定供应商计划的目的是加强我们员工的WC福利. Designated providers will help employees make safe, strong recoveries from accidents, and provide appropriate referrals as needed. 因工伤而需要紧急护理的员工可以去任何紧急护理机构. 指定提供者将只适用于工伤的后续护理.

对于后续护理,大学员工必须使用以下列表中指定的提供者之一. 如果员工使用的供应商不是指定的供应商,则可以停止WC福利. Appropriate mileage will be included for the employee. 员工被指示向CorVel传达有关索赔或医疗的任何担忧. 员工被指示将任何一般性问题传达给风险管理大学.

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr
MS 2030 
Moscow, ID

Phone: 208-885-6524

Fax: 208-885-5969



Physical Address:
Teaching and Learning Center, Rooms 048 & 049

Mailing Address:
Risk Management and Insurance
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2433
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2433

Phone: 208-885-7177



Physical Address:
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID 83844-4332 

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 4332
Moscow, ID 83844-4332

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-3697

Fax: 208-885-3330

